Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Campbell and occassionally a Casper

Senga told me that if I didn't post something, she was going to change the name of our blog... can't let that happen, now can I?

I've been traveling a lot lately and this past week I was in California. It's always a 3:30AM wake up to catch a 6:00AM flight, then travel 7.5 hours to arrive at 10:30AM. Meetings with the client, then dinner with some of our executive staff that were in town and its 10:30PM, but my body clock thinks it's 1:30AM the next day. As I was trying to sleep (left that morning without my toiletries bag and thus no sleeping aide) that first night, I couldn't help but wonder what I was doing in this cold and lonely hotel room, not able to sleep, but most importantly, why was I doing this in the first place? Is there a benefit to me and my family in all of this? Besides the paycheck every week, I'm pressed to figure out much more. So as I lie there counting the hours that I spend in a plane sitting next to total strangers it has become crystal clear that I spend far too much time in a tube jetting across this planet and not enough time doing what matters most to me. Then when I do get home, I'm exhausting from a lack of sleep that I all I want to do is go to bed and sleep. It's just crazy.

I guess I need to focus my energy on what I want and where I want to be…maybe then travel will become a matter of jumping from spot to spot and being home in time for dinner and sleeping in my own bed every night. Captain Kirk could do that 40 years ago, you would think that we should be able to figure out how he did that.


Kelli Frame said...

Oh man do I ever hear you. I've thought how strange it is that what I do requires so much time away from the people I need and love, and so much "dead" time spent at airports and on airplanes and in the Crown Room and in taxis and socializing with people I don't know or don't like, and what good comes of it besides some bottom line on a corporate earnings report.

But then I think, hey. I work for a living and that's not changing in the near future, and I could change what I do but I don't want to make less money, and then I think, wow that's so shallow that money matters that much, but money does matter. Money gives you the ability to do a lot of good in the world, and it gives you freedom you don't have otherwise, and most of us are just really really lucky to have the opportunity to live like we do.

So I keep booking the travel. For now.

Campbellite said...

I could travel too a lot and massage everyone out there. What do you think, friends? Of course some people don't even like massage though, but whatever, hook me up with others you know.

Anonymous said...

After coming back from NY and staring a few trips to Japan in the face I hear you as well. Why hasn't anyone come up with that one great idea so we can all become wealthy? Senga I think you could justify a business trip to Utah anytime. Sign J and I up..