Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fat Guy in a Little Coat

This video cracks me up everytime I see it. I have always loved the "Saturday Night Live" humor. So whenever I need a smile, I watch this video of Chris Farley (RIP) doing his Fat guy in a little coat song and it turns me around. It makes me laugh so hard, guys, you don't even know. So if you enjoy this kind of humor also-- Enjoy! The blog entries can't be so serious all of the time. :-)


Kelli Frame said...

Yes, I remember you describing this scene to me years ago and you were laughing so hard as you told me that you could hardly get through it.

I've been following the Last Lecture story too. The three words he would impart if those were his last three words: Tell the truth. The next three words? All the time.

Amen to that.

Campbellite said...

I love those lines also. What an inspiration.