Being from such a large family, as I am, there are a few perks. You have so many stories to tell everyone and you can do it on your blog and I'm not outing them to anyone because no one knows who of the other 9 I'm talking about. Well sometimes the stories are very funny but sometimes they're sad and hard.
This last week our family had quite the ordeal when we learned that one of our siblings chose to try and end it all and took 25 ambien at one time. Fortunately, my sibling had the smart sense to tell someone (right after) that they had taken the pills so they had immediate attention and all is well. I don't judge my sibling, in fact I love him/her very much. We have had many good times in our youth growing up and
So (name), I don't know if you'll read this but if you do I just hope you know how much I love you and want for your happiness and life to continue on. Our family wouldn't be the same without you and we need you. If I can ever do anything for you, please let me know. And remember, "no man is a failure who has friends (and family.)"
That is a very wise comment that your very wise friend made about it being a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Was the person also very good looking?
I'm sorry, very sorry, to hear this news, and if the sibling is reading, please take good care.
And Senga, you hang in there too. This has got to be hard on all of you.
(BTW, Ambien won't kill you in almost any dosage. Not that I'm suggesting anyone tries another drug. It's just that I was looking it up the other day.)
Thanks a lot, Kelli! Things are on the up and up and going much better. I also googled Ambien to find that people have survived most times taking multiple ambien.
I have no idea who exactly said that quote about it being a permanent solution. I heard it once and never forgot it. You could probably google that quote but I don't have any idea if they're good looking or not? :-)
I think the main way Ambien can kill you is by making you say the wrong thing to the wrong person. It is truth serum to me.
So glad to hear things are calming down in your family.
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