Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Baby Fox

Yesterday I was busy working on a project when I heard scratching at my window. This cute little baby fox was trying to get my attention. He reminded me of our little Lucy girl - wanting attention and not stopping until he got it. I know I'm not suppose to feed wild animals, but he was hungry so I threw some nuts out to him. He gobbled them up and went on his way. My building at work has these large floor to ceiling windows and he just continued around the building visiting every office on his way.
South Carolina is beautiful and full of wildlife just outside the door. There is a big wooded area behind our building as well and I have had a 6' black snake visit (was very happy when he continued on his way); two beautiful peacocks who built a next and started a family; and a variety of other little critters.


Campbellite said...

I was just thinking that Kelli would have her hands full trapping all the wild cats from that area where you work, Joni. There's supposedly wild dogs out there too. Maybe she can teach us the finer points of setting a trap and what to do with them?

Anonymous said...

This little guy is super cute. We can only attract birds to our new place, but we do have quail, doves, finches... alas no foxes..

Kelli Frame said...

I want one! The most exotic thing I get at my house these days is the quail who feed at my bird feeder.

Hi, Lisa. Nice seeing your name out here. Come on over to my blog and offer up your best word for what happened to the Lakers last night. I voted for "waxed." They got waxed.

LabMoms said...

Hey all- I just set up my blog page. All of you have to coem to our house. We have wid Turkey, Deer, Toads, and a host of other cool wildlife. I just love taking pictures of them. I'll post them on my site if you want to see a Turkey "struting" for a female.


SuddenlySouthernCyndi said...

Sooo cute! I love it when little woodland creatures come around--we get them here, too. Squirrels all the time, raccoons (always makes the dog go wild) and on Christmas morning we had a coyote! We quickly checked to make sure we knew where the cat was--she was fine.