Thursday, June 26, 2008

Random Thoughts

Part of the reason it takes us so long to post new things is that there isn't any one topic that we particularly want to write about without boring the majority of you so today's post is about random thoughts.

1. I've been trying to figure out just what the big deal is about why everyone is up in arms toward Obama about his decision to use private funds and going against his word (apparently) to not use public funds for his campaign. I've heard what he says that he believes the program is broken but yet I can't get my arms around this topic of why MCCain calls it so "troubling" and all of that. It does seem odd to me that there isn't just a set policy that says, whoever the Democrat and Republican candidate is- they must use public financing money to fund the rest of their campaigns. Period! That way they have the exact same amount to decide how to spend it toward campaigning. So I know there are a lot of you smarter political people out there and if any of you can enlighten me and J on this we'd appreciate it.

2. And why the big deal about drilling now for oil? I know, gas is over $4/gallon and that seems logical to now want to drill, when other countries are doing it also. So why does Obama think drilling now wouldn't lessen the price down the road?

3. Changing subjects to massage therapy. Here in Spartanburg's mall they have a kiosk type area where two chinese guys are set up with their seated massage chairs, so being a massage therapist and needing the work very badly, I stop one afternoon to get one. Now I just want to preface that I like a deep massage, always have, but this day when I went in I have never been so man handled in all my life!!! First of all they have you leaning so far over and your sternum and face are already pressed so hard against the cushions but this guy proceeded to massage through my hair digging his fingertips into my skull and nearly taking my head off. So I say, "That's a little rough" and he lessens for about 30 seconds and then starts going at it again. Then he starts rubbing my ears in a downward motion and he's so hard that my earing and it's back fell out. Luckily we found it and I put it in my pocket. So then he continues on the back and again he is pushing so hard that my sternum actually started to hurt. Anyway, I made it through the massage but when I left, I was wondering, "Who peed in his wheaties this morning?" So I think I'll be avoiding this type of service in the future.

4. Acupuncture- Recently I had my first acupuncture session and it was totally amazing.
For years now I have struggled with chronic low back pain due to lots of sports injuries and other accidents where I thew the back out. I have had lots of massages and lots of chiropractic work over the years to help me out. So the other day I decided to try acupunture for my back pain. I was a little nervous at first because afterall, they do use needles. But the woman acupuncturist immediately made me feel at ease. Now from all of my massage therapy and chinese medicine exposure, it only works if you are open minded to it. You can't go in there and say, "This probably won't work" because then it won't. So anyway they use the needles along, what the chinese call, meridians. All the meridians are named after your organs like Heart, Lungs, Small Intestine, etc. So the acupunturist started to insert a needle in my foot and I didn't notice it at first and then she was twisting it around and I did then feel the sensation. I wouldn't say it hurt but I felt the sensation and it was fine. So she proceeds to put in two on each foot one on the inside of both of my ankles and two in each hand. After they insert the needles, you rest in that state for about 15 minutes. The Chinese believe that the needles draw the "Chi" or your spirit to these locations and the locations are very specific, but the combination of those locations work toward your symptom, in my case my low back pain. So the whole time I'm visualizing the "Chi" traveling through my body to those locations to help my back. So then she takes them out, massages a little and has me turn over. She then inserted about 6 more needles in my low back and on both sides of my shoulder blades. So I'm here to tell you that when this session was over, I got off that table and I felt an immediate relief of my low back pain. It is absolutely amazing!!! I haven't been to the chiropractor since this session and I was going about once every two weeks. It's been over a month now and I get kind of sore and tired from all my physical work but the sharp pain that I always had is gone. I'm going to go back again next week and follow up with another session. So if any of you are dealing with any kind of symptom or pain or anything like that, and nothing has worked, I suggest trying acupuncture because I'm now a believer.


Anonymous said...

Random thoughts are good. Everyone has them.. A little of my insight on the Obama issue. Obama did not go back on his word (technically). He said he would accept public funding and it's limits if the independent political organizations, known as 527 groups or 501c4 groups could be controlled.These are the same type of groups that ran the negative Swift Boat commercials against Kerry. The day he declined the public funding Obama cited the role of outside groups, saying that McCain is ``not going to stop the smears and attacks from his allies running so-called 527 groups, who will spend millions and millions of dollars in unlimited donations.''

Kelli Frame said...

I am going to do everyone who reads your blog a favor and not comment on Mr. Obama not using public funding. They'd have to hide the children once I got going on Mr. Obama and his political opportunism. I will confine all of that to my own blog where people are used to my political rants about Mr. Obama, and where I will balance it by also posting a picture of a cat in a mail truck.

Good post, friends. Where'd you get the idea to number your blog comments? :-)