Our little 18 pounder, Willie, who loves his three story kitty castle. He's so big he has to hang out of it. He has come out of his shell since we moved to SC. He loves to go outside and watch the butterflies at his butterfly bush; get pets at night from his mommy; and his treats. He usually tries to take Lucy's treats if we don't watch him.
Willie weighs EIGHTEEN POUNDS?? Good heavens, girls, lock up the cat chow!
Seriously though, tell the truth. You just have one stripey cat that you keep taking pictures of in different poses, and you use three names. Your cats are indistinguishable.
He fluctuates between 16-18. He does like treats and we are lessening them now. But we used to use the treats saying, "Let me pet you and I'll give you a treat." And finally he got it and now we can walk right up to him and approach him that way and he let's us pet him. There are three physical little kitties in our house, always has been. If there were only one, someone would be coming after me with a bat, by now! :-)
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