This is "Mr. Nose." That's my name for him since he's a stray and has lots of scars on his nose. He's been hanging out at our house for a few days now. He heard that there's three cool cats here. I'm a softie and gave him some food the other day, and this is where my problem comes in. I can't withhold food from a baby. But now he comes by every night. I probably shouldn't have fed him but there you go. Last night the temperatures dropped pretty low and I put out an old Cat bed with a blanket that wasn't being used. He used it in a heartbeat. Joni, who loves our babies, is not very happy with this new "friend." She thinks that we are not doing him a favor since we will be moving soon anyway.
I know we are getting a little attached but I have also observed that he has been someone's cat before. He has a collar on with no info and he's really friendly so someone has had him before. Any suggestions out there? I'm counting on my good friend, Kelli, to have a few suggestions. Do I stop cold turkey? Do I take him to the Humane society? Do I take him all around the neighborhood to find out his home?
Any ideas?
He is a little cutie pie. What a sweetie. I think you are a hero for feeding him and giving him a warm place to sleep. We can't fix all the problems in the world, but we can fix the ones right in front of us. And I think that the kindness and mercy we are willing to give the most vulnerable creatures like Mr. Nose will be what we can expect from the universe when we are the most vulnerable. Bless your pointy head, Senga Campbell.
So. If he's got a collar, I would snap his photo and put up ads around the neighborhood and at the store and wherever else. Do you talk to the kids in the neighborhood or surround neighborhoods? Kids always know everything that's going on and who lives where.
You might check with some of the local animal rescue groups to see if they can help place him while you foster him.
And you might check if there is a number people can call if they've lost their pets. Sometimes the Humane Society has such a number.
Lastly, I think if you can't place him you should bring him to Utah. :) There are worse things that four cats--trust me. Take it from a woman with four cats, two dogs, and four birds. And one mail carrier.
Thanks Kelli, He is a sweetie and we've enjoyed giving him a bed, blanket and food twice a day. I learned from you how to help the little babies who are down on their luck. On the nights where it was going to get down to the freezing range, I took another blanket out there and put it on top of him. I did ask around and nobody knew who he belonged to, except there used to live an older gentleman up the street that one of our friends said they saw the cat by months ago, but the old man has either died or moved away so Mr. Nose has had to fend for himself all this time. Last Saturday, Joni and I were in Petsmart and there were people there from "Critter Connection" trying to adopt out some dogs and cats. I talked with one of the ladies and told her my predicament. She said that the Humane society would be my best bet because they'll check him over, neuter/spay, and help adopt him out. I'm worried about his health though. When I'd pet him, he has a million bites on his neck and his nose, so he's had to defend himself a lot. I hope he's not sick.
We're actually leaving to go somewhere this week from Thursday-Sunday and I didn't want him left without food. So yesterday morning, I made the decision to pack him up, with his bed, blanket, and some food and took him to the humane society here in Spartanburg. I filled out a paper with all the information I knew about him. We made a donation too to help out. It was a very hard thing to do. I left in tears but I know they will take care of him.
Thats such a cute kitty!!!!
(this is lauren by the way)
Im sorry i havent talked to you in such a long time! I have a hard time ever visiting facebook. Im lazy.
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