So many people I've talked to lately are looking forward to the new year (including me - 2008 has been one of the most difficult years) with such excitement and merriment, but it dawned on me this afternoon; that the new year itself will not be anything special. As we enter into another year; things will be the same; people will continue upon their ways and courses. Companies will continue to use and abuse their employees; we will all get up; go to work; come home and start over again the next day. Citizens of the world will continue to war with each other; trying to gain control and dominion over the other and another year will come and go. Sounds depressing, huh?
But, what if... what if we all wake up on January 1, 2009 and say I want to be happier, more peaceful and more loving to my fellow kind (and animals)? What if we all get up that morning and put a little more effort into being kinder to each other; being a little more patient in the traffic on our way to work; slow down and allow someone who just realized their exit is coming up and allow them to merge in at the last minute? What if we take a few minutes to acknowledge those younger than us trying to make their way in the world and we offer them the advise and wisdom that only comes from experiences; experiences of seeing our world in economic strife; leaders making bad decisions; our elderly parents trying to figure out what went wrong with their savings; etc.? What if we all stopped and just showed one act of kindness to someone? I read on a friends blog recently that she was rushing around a few days before Christmas and stopped at a Taco Time to buy a bean burrito and when she went to pay; the clerk told her that the car in front of her had already paid for her burrito. I can assure you; this friend most likely needs no one to pay for her bean burrito; but what a kind act? That might have been the last few dollars that person had before heading home with their Christmas treasures, but it brought joy to my heart to know that there are kind people in our world who are trying their best to be kind; loving; peaceful folks. Pay it forward, that's what I take from this. Let's all pay it forward.
S and I have been talking recently about new years resolutions and being better people; not only to ourselves and each other; to our family, friends and strangers. We have talked about how blessed we are, the joy and love we feel for each other, our families and our friends and those who we come in contact with us on a daily basis. We've talked about our experiences, both good and bad. We've talked about what we have learned and how we need to approach the new year more holistically and with more openness and farsightedness. If we want our home; and the world to be a better place; then we need to be better individuals - better partners - better friends - better family members and better citizens. We need to love more and hate less. We need to be more tolerant - more patient - more willing to give of our abundance; our time; and make our small corner of the world a better place.
I've seen someone who has been there for me, who has given time, patience, love, forgiveness and understanding and all they wanted in return was for me to be a better person. What if... we all took a few minutes to think about who has been there for us in our lives? Who has forgiven us when we have made minor/major mistakes? Who has asked nothing more from us than to be the best that we be - and then give something back to those who need it most?
If we are going to have a better world; one filled with peace; joy; happiness;... then we need to do our part. It could be big, it could be small. But every little or big thing we do that helps another is one step forward into a better world for those who come after us. Give when you can... take time when you can... stop and help when you can... Those who can; do... those who cannot; need a little help.
Don't wait for a calender to tell you that it's time to change> Take every moment of everyday to think beyond yourselves and ask "what can I do"? It may be small, but to the person who bought my friend a bean burrito at Taco Time; I say; no small thing goes unnoticed by the world. All acts of kindness; whether small; medium or big means more than the person giving will ever know. That's the beauty. Give with no expectation of receiving.
We are looking forward to selling our home in the South and moving back to where our hearts find the most meaning. We look forward to reuniting with friends and family, but mostly we look forward to being better people, better partners, better daughters, better friends, and citizens of the world.
Happy New Year,
1 comment:
I see the new year, even though it is just a date, has got you in a philosophical mood, and because you're a good woman it's got you determined to be an even better one.
Now quit messing around and get yourselves to Utah. :)
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