It's not very often I blog twice in one day but I was watching "Entertainment Tonight" about John Edwards and I am so fuming mad at the level of deception of this man who talked of his values with his family and for the country. Have any of you followed this latest sex-scandal-by-a-politician story about John Edwards? I could never really figure out why I didn't connect with his message when others did around me. He always seemed well versed with his quick well thought responses and some of his views seemed to coincide with mine but there was always that "something" that I just saw that was too smooth/car salesman-like to be real. Now I know what I was seeing. So excuse me for a minute while I drag him through the sludge, that he rightfully deserves.
So, after a month or so speculation, he's now finally confessed to an adulterous affair with a woman from his campaign staff back in 2006, and there's talk that her child that was born could be his child. Give me a freaking break, John Edwards! Did you really do this to yourself, your wife, your family and supporters???
What kind of a man runs for the office of the president, with his wife of nearly 30 years battling breast cancer all the while, and then gets mixed up in a sex scandal like this? I'll tell you what kind- the filthiest scumbags cheaters on the planet kind who can't keep it in their pants. He along with Elliot Spitzer, Bill Clinton, and James McGreevey, are the lowest slimes on earth to do this to their wives and themselves, most of all. And they all deny it in the beginning hoping that the speculation will go away but the truth always comes out thanks to the aggressive persistent media and the paparazzi.
While watching "Entertainment Tonight", they showed parts of his ABC interview admitting to the affair with Dr. Lillian Glass, expert in body language, watching on. These are her comments:
1. She says that there is too much eye blinking and shaking the head, No, when he's saying things in the affirmative=Lying.
2. She says we still see a lot of deception with the raising of the eyebrows, when he touches his nose, and when he does shoulder shrugs=Lying.
3. When Edwards is asked about how long the relationship lasted, he stutters saying "it's been over-over for a long time"=Lying.
4. To Edwards one credit when he expresses his admiration for his wife she suggests his body language shows that it is genuine.
5. When asked about the question of paternity to the child, he says twice, "untrue, untrue" "Repeating things is a form of deception," she says. Then he blamed the influence of supermarket tabloids as the reason why the interviewer is asking the question=Lying.
6. Dr. Glass also noted that when he says, "It's not true" he's shaking his head instead. "The body doesn't lie. It leaks information and you can see it in his interview."=Lying
What is is about MEN and their sexual deviances outside their marriages? Especially when they are in powerful positions? This is a childish, thoughtless act that will likely ruin any possibility of further political ambitions he may have had not to mention his marriage. Hope there's a job back at the textile mills.
I'm so glad that at least he didn't drag his poor wife, Elizabeth Edwards out to sit next to him and smile as if she were happy about it during this embarrassing, humiliating confession. He actually took it like a man, albeit it was just a one-on-one interview. Hopefully Mrs. Edwards is packing her bags and calling her lawyer to get out of that unfortunate meaningless marriage.
Professor Randy Pausch, in his "Last Lecture" book said that if he only had three words to impart it would be, "Tell the Truth" if he could add three more it would be, "all the time."
Mr. Edwards you screwed up big time for lying to your wife, family, campaign staff, and your political supporters about the kind of character and values you said you possess. So I guess his ass is in the toilet now and so be it. Every action has a consequence. So when are these stupid men going to get it? Please tell me Obama and McCain are true to their wives?
Stay tuned, there's more questions about his confession that he didn't answer including how much he knew about thousands of dollars paid to her after she became pregnant last year and the media are on top of it and they'll keep exposing it as it comes out.
1 comment:
Yeah, what a sleaze Edwards is. I also thought he was to slick too.
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