Our poor little furry babies have been suffering the last few weeks. It has been so hot and humid that they can't be outside for much more than 15 minutes, even though little Lucy thinks she can be outside all day...
They were all outside a few days ago and this is how they were enjoying the screened-in porch... Lucy on the other hand thinks that she can handle this hot humid heat, but she can't!!!
Even we can't handle this hot humid heat; even with the pool. The water temp is higher than most people take a bath in... we have looked for ice houses, but they are long gone. We just received notice that we can't water our lawn; our plants (flowers) or even our pool. The lack of water here is even worse than Utah a few years ago.
1 comment:
Little Lucy hates that we don't trust her being outside for more than 15 minutes... she thinks she knows best, but Charlie and Willie are our guides on the heat and being outside. I was off today for a much needed "day off" and we took them outside for a about 30 minutes this morning, but then the sun and heat got the best of all of us and we had to head into the cool comforts of the air-conditioned world.
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