This is my youngest brother, Stewart, and his bride Lindsey. They were married last Saturday the 13th. Lindsey works for a photographer so she had a sweet deal to get lots of different kinds of pictures. They had a Scottish wedding since our family is Scottish and none of the others had done it. I thought they both looked smashing and I'm very happy for the two of them that they have each other.
Stew is very special to me. He was born in 1982. I was 14 years old. During my junior high school years I would babysit a lot for my mother while she worked in the afternoons. I used to change his diapers (he'll be mad at me for saying this). I used to babysit and care for him and make him dinner and give him baths. I was kind of like a second mom to my younger siblings. Stew is the caboose of a very long train 10 cars deep. He's the last of 10 kids. He is one of the most talented guys too. He's played the piano since he was about 5 years old. He sings beautifully, and he's funny and so smart. He put himself through college with all of his scholarships because he was a smart student. I'm just proud of him for is achievements and that he has someone now to share his life with other than an apartment of guys (ooooh stinky).
I sure love you Stew and I'm thankful that we are family. Lindsey, I am glad that you are part of our family now and I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.
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