1. I guess most of you, like me, are sick to death of the political crap. Since Januray of 2007 it’s been non-stop with candidates on every talk show, dancing with Ellen, doing cameo's on SNL, and taking turns being on liberal NBC/CNN stations as well as right wing stations such as Fox- to answer tough questions. I just can’t wait for Tuesday when we can put the last 8 years behind us and find out who our new President will be. And more importantly-get back to watching normal television, with normal commercials (which I mute anyway). It will also be nice to get back to actual “news” going on in the world. I’m sick of seeing John McCain and Sarah Palin and every other local politician from North Carolina to South Carolina. I'm even sick of, hearing Obama and what he'd do. I just want him to get to it now and do what he says. And if I never hear, "Joe, the plumber" again, it will still be too soon. :-)
2. Speaking of Television- have any of you seen the new show “Mentalist” with Simon Baker. He's a mentalist turned private investigator and uses his skills to help the police. It is pretty good and I don't normally like cop shows.

3. This is the 5 Browns.

4.Joni and I have decided that going to the store to get things to make dinner is more expensive than if we just went out to eat. Sure you can use spices numerous times but if you have to buy truffle oil, capers, or red curry paste, you won't live long enough to use it all. These are the times I'm thankful for Martha Stewart's website where you can look up recipe's by ingredient so that you make something else with the large jar you bought.
5. I will end this blog with patting myself on the back about an achievement, and I'll tell you why.
So I turn 40 this year (next month) and while it is kind of exciting to turn another corner in life, every woman knows that when you turn 40 you begin the annual physical/papsmear/mammogram tests. UGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! So Joni made me promise her that I would do this. So yesterday I called to make the dreaded appointment thinking, "They're probably busy so it may be January before I can get in." Oh no! The only appointment she had was the very next day (today) so I had to take it. At least I didn't have to stew about the unpleasantries for weeks on end.So I just want my mom and every other sister and friend out there to be proud of me for doing this. But I did it. Part of my dignity is gone now, but I survived and so can you. The Mamm is yet to come, although I had one two years ago so I know what to expect with that.
The best present we can give ourselves is to do these annual physical checkups, however unpleasant they are, so that we have the peace of mind that our bodies are ok and our happy lives can continue. So if any of you out there have not scheduled yours yet, do it! If I can, anyone can. It's just a moment of uncomfortableness, at worst, and your doctor has seen more ho-ho's than they can mention so yours is not anything new.
Patrice has been nagging me for months, MONTHS I tell you to go get me a lady parts check up. I am dreading! 40 is in one month and one year for me and I haven't had a pap since my mission physical. AHHHH I know, I know, I need to! But yuck! Okay, thanks for the encouragement...I will call and make an apt. (one of these days...ha ha ha)
LOL I've been checked so many times from having kids now that it's not a big deal to me, but nobody ever forgets the first time!!
1. Amen on the election thing!
2. Haven't watched The Mentalist, but you're the third or fourth person I know to give it a thumbs up.
3. The 5 Browns are good.
4. I love cooking but have the same challenge you do: what to do with that 4 oz. jar of Thai peanut sauce when all I needed was 2 tbsp.
5. Good for you for taking care of yourself. None of those exams are fun, but then, neither is cancer!
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