I heard a great quote yesterday and I loved it so much, I saved it to share here. I was thinking about last summer when I went home to Utah to my 20 year high school reunion and I had an encounter with one of my former teammates and classmates that really bugged me. She is one of the girls sitting in this picture with me. She and I never really got along that well back in the day, no reason really- we just never gelled so anyway, she married another guy from our class and when they got to the school that evening, I had just arrived and was sitting in my parked car watching others walk in. So Kristy (not her real name) and husband come driving in the parking lot in their big ass black suburban and they drive through the whole parking lot and drove right past me just at the time that Kristy saw me and I saw her point at me as if she was saying, "There's Senga." So they park a couple of rows over and they get out of the car and Kristy doesn't even look over or wave or anything. And I was thinking, "Brother! We still haven't grown up in 20 years!" And then once I walked in the door and saw her she raised her eyebrows as if she's so surpised to see me. "What a fake bitch, I thought." But then I saw this quote and realized she never mattered to me so I'm over it now.
"There comes a point in your life when you realize
who matters
who never did
who won't anymore...
and who always will
So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Always Smile, It Does The Heart Good!
Great advice. I especially like the smile part, it's so true. And it never hurts anyone to be kind to another.
LOL..........and still laughing. You''l have to email me and tell me which gal in the picture it is!
Hey you...I first want to comment that you were always that girl. Whenever I would see you back in the day, you were always the one to say hi and make me feel like a part of the group, instead of the pain in the butt tag along. SO THANKS! I loved the saying, it actually relates well today. I look forward to allowing my own heart to realize that there are reasons that past friends, are no longer present or future friends. It's something I need to continue to work through. :)
Thank you, Heidi, that was really sweet. Sometimes it's hard to leave toxic people in the past, but that's where they belong in order for us to move forward in the present. I look forward to seeing you and your family again next year when J and I hopefully move back to Utah. Can't wait to renew all the "good" friendships we have there. Take care and much love.
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