And this is what I like about the South!! Warm weather, lazy kitties and a forest behind the house. Senga and I have been watching this robin that just goes nuts when we are anywhere on the side of our house. Charlie likes to go out the side gate (on his leash, of course) and this robin just starts going to town. It flys to the fence, then to the top of the roof on the house next door. So... it finally dawn's on me that perhaps there is a nest somewhere close. And yes, there is. It's in the covering on top of our gate. I was surprised a bird would build a nest that low. Anyway, so we have been watching the nest and keeping Charlie and Willie away from it. This afternoon, I was cleaning out the garage and took some pool stuff back to the pool house and I saw a robin egg on the sidewalk. I also noticed that mother robin has not been around today. Senga gets the ladder and we look in the next and there are two other eggs in the nest, but the damn lizards must have gotten to the nest because they have broken into the eggs and the baby birds are half in and half out of the egg. Poor little things. I guess because the cats like to go over to that part of the yard, the mother robin must have left once to often.