So, I find it interesting that everyone is up in arms about HBO's Big Love, series that apparently this week will reveal some temple ordinance on the show. IT'S A SHOW, people. Don't watch it, it's that simple.
The LDS church came out with a statement talking about not responding, and not calling for a boycott from the church. And the more they make a big deal of it, the more people will tune in to watch it Sunday night and see what they do reveal, thus spiking the viewership and the ratings, which equates to money to HBO and Time Warner. They've already confirmed that Big Love has already been given a fourth season because of the popularity of the show, so all the attention just brings ratings their way. When did the church stop, not responding to such things? That would have been better and little attention would have been made.
I have actually watched Big Love since it's start 3 years ago. They can be mildly irreverant with things but it is very entertaining to watch. They always say they're FLDS, not to be confused with LDS.
My other thing about this is that the entire temple ordinance stuff has been on the internet, both video and audio for years and years. So if anyone wanted to know what's in the temple ceremony they could just search the worldwide web. Where's the church to stop these various websites from posting this? You can't just go after a TV show and their parent company.